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Landsknecht Ogres Mercenaries: Warmonger miniatures

Hello, new stuffs for my Landsknecht Dwarf army. I bought these Giant Orcs/Ogres at the superb Warmonger Miniatures stand at Crisis this year. These models are really monstrous, check the last picture for comparison with classic Marauders Dwarves.
These big guys fight under the Frankfurt Landsknecht banner and you probably notice that the leader wear a cloth with rival colors from the Burgundian land.
“The maw” as I name the Leader, have made this cloth with 4 flags of unfortunate Burgundian troopers they slaughtered during their last mercenary job… “The Maw” love this colors association! His appearance on the battlefield is more important than the poor human Heraldry concepts.
Scale comparison with Classic Marauders Dwarves

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